"The ability to transform complex information into clear, compelling data stories is becoming a necessity."
- Henny Speelman
Formula one (Power BI)
Personal project to redevelop a Power BI report based a design in Figma, using new functionalities of Power BI.
Tags: Power BI, Figma, UI/UX
Ocean cleanup (Power BI) 🥈
DataDNA challenge to develop a Power BI report based on ocean cleanupa data. Fully custom made design and template.
Tags: Power BI, Photoshop, Midjourney, UI/UX
The 100 billion dollar club
Personal project to develop a Canva report based on open source data. Fully custom made design and template.
Tags: Canva
Pokémon (Power BI)
DataDNA challenge to develop a Power BI report. Fully custom made design and template.
Tags: Power BI, UI/UX
Performance follow-up (Oracle BI)
KPI report to track performance of employees, given certain business definitions and KPIs.
Tags: Oracle BI, UI/UX
Perfume Store (Power BI)
Personal project to develop a Power BI report based a design in Figma, with the help of AI generated content for logo and background.
Tags: Power BI, Figma, Midjourney, UI/UX
Electronic Sales (Astrato) 🥇
DataDNA challenge to develop an Astrato report based on electronic sales data. Fully custom made design and template.
Tags: Astrato, Canva, UI/UX
Mortality of animals (Flourish)
Personal project to develop a Flourish visualization in Canva based on open source data. Fully custom made design and template.
Tags: Canva, Flourish, UI/UX
Formula One (Power BI)
Personal project to develop a Power BI report based on open source data. Fully custom made design and template. Data via REST API.
Tags: Power BI, UI/UX
Flights (Power BI)
DataDNA challenge to develop a Power BI report. Fully custom made design and template.
Tags: Power BI, UI/UX
Tomorrowland (Power BI)
Personal project to develop a Power BI report based on own generated dataset. Fully custom made design and template.
Tags: Power BI, Photoshop, Midjourney, UI/UX
Star Wars (Power BI)
DataDNA challenge to develop a Power BI report based on Star Wars data. Fully custom made design and template.
Tags: Power BI, UI/UX
Noble Prize Winners (Astrato) 🥇
DataDNA challenge to develop a Power BI report. Fully custom made design and template.
Tags: Astrato, UI/UX
Pie Bakery (Astrato)
DataDNA challenge to develop an Astrato report. Fully custom made design and template.
Tags: Astrato, UI/UX
Arctic Sea Ice (Power BI)
Personal project to develop a Power BI report based on Arctic Sea Ice data. Fully custom made design and template.
Tags: Power BI, Canva, UI/UX